The Howard Miller Portrait Book Clock.
Memorialize a loved one with kind words of reflection or a favorite picture. Behind the bronze nameplate you can store a portion of your loved one's cremated remains or a lock of hair.
Or consider a beautiful oak Memorial Chest with gold key.
This box is large enough to hold your loved ones cremated remains or personal effects. Also includes a bronze plaque for engraving.
Memorial Tree Program
The Surprise October storm was very devastating to Elmlawn Memorial Park's beautiful trees. Many had to be taken down and many others required trimming of damaged branches.
While clean-up is a primary concern, our ultimate goal is to replace as many trees as possible. This is where we need your help. We feel so strongly about the need for replacing the beautiful trees that this is the first time in Elmlawn's 105 year history that we have approached our families asking for assistance.
Elmawn Memorial Park is offering a unique opportunity for families to pay special tribute to someone who has passed before us while at the same time replacing trees that were lost due to the October storm.
For $600 you may sponsor a tree in any of our sections pending placement approval from Elmlawn management. A memorial plaque will be installed to appropriately identify the person in whose memory the tree was planted. Your one time donation includes a 6′ tree, planting, maintenance and personalized plaque.
Planting sites as well as species of trees are selected by Elmlawn Memorial Park based on an overall plan of beautification. For more information contact us and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please note that Elmlawn is a not-for-profit cemetery, therefore your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for your consideration. Please be assured that we will do all in our power to continue the beautification of Elmlawn Memorial Park.